After 103 days on hunger strike in protest of his indefinite detention without charge or trial, Palestinian political prisoner Maher al-Akhras announced today that he is suspending his strike and will be released on 11/26 in what amounts to a major victory for the Palestinian prisoners movement. Within Our Lifetime joins Palestinians around the world and all people of conscience in celebrating Maher’s victory and his unbreakable will in resisting the occupation.
In an outpouring of international solidarity, activists around the world took part in mobilizations this past week to amplify the call for his immediate release leading up to Maher’s 100th day on hunger strike on Tuesday. As part of this escalation, we put out a call for a #FreeMaherAlAkhras photo campaign and received submissions from individuals and organizations from across the US, Ireland, Italy and France. Thank you to everyone who participated!
As we celebrate Maher’s forthcoming release from zionist prison, we are also called upon to continue to demand freedom for ALL Palestinian prisoners, from the 350 Palestinians who are being held in administrative detention without charge or trial to the nearly 4,500 Palestinians who are being unjustly incarcerated in the illegitimate israeli military prison system where the conviction rate of Palestinians is 99.7%.
With this in mind we urge all those who stand for Palestinian liberation to continue to mobilize in support of the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners, from Khalida Jarrar to Khitam Saafin to Shatha Tawil, and to follow Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for more information about how you can take action in support of Palestinian prisoners.
#FreeMaherAlAkhras #FreeKhalidaJarrar #FreeKhitamSaafin #FreeShathaTawil #EndAdministrativeDetention #FreeAllPalestinianPrisoners #FreeThemAll #DefendPalestine #FreePalestine #WithinOurLifetime