New York City Students for Justice in Palestine condemns, in the strongest terms, the failure of the NYU Administration to publicly defend its students from threats of rape and murder, threats to send their immigration information to federal agencies, and hate speech, directed at Arab, Muslim, and Palestine solidarity activist students at NYU.The Administration’s failure is consistent with previous failures of universities in New York and throughout the United States to properly safe guard the rights of students, particularly students of color and from immigrant backgrounds, to participate in political discourse and dissent against imperialism and Zionism. We find the failure of universities to protect this right at a time of immense state repression and threats of mass deportation to be particularly disturbing and an indictment of the nature of the neoliberal university campus.We call on NYU to unequivocally state its opposition to threats to students and student organizations, investigate the legitimacy of these threats, and declare NYU a sanctuary campus.