Published on September 25, 2024

Our Demands
Following months of barbaric brutality from the NYPD, we demand:
- The resignation of Eric Adams
Zionist cop mayor Eric Adams must resign, and his crime is not just corruption. He has overseen the police murder of 38 Black and Brown New Yorkers, embraced austerity, given material support to the zionist genocide in Palestine, and set the NYPD to crackdown on Palestine protests in the streets.
2. The disbandment of the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group
The SRG was originally a counter terrorism initiative that NYPD officials promised would not be used against political dissidents in the city. It officially launched in 2015 in order to contain and strangle the Black Lives Matter movement that was taking over New York streets in the wake of Freddie Gray’s murder by Baltimore Police and the Texas police murder of Sandra Bland. The SRG’s violent officers are now a permanent fixture at protests, especially unpermitted ones. They were deployed in 2020 during the George Floyd uprisings and have been used again at protests to Flood New York for Gaza.
3. Shut down NYPD’s office in occupied Palestine
The NYPD regularly coordinates with the zionist occupation to surveil Palestinian, Arab and Muslim New Yorkers from its office in occupied Palestine. NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism Rebecca Weiner is on the record starting the NYPD exchanges hourly updates with israeli security forces, allowing the occupation an unprecedented level of involvement in the policing New Yorkers, while zionist cop mayor Adams has been inspired by trips to israel to bring back surveillance drones and is currently under investigation amid claims he has acted as a foreign agent for israel.
Statement on Emergency Action to Flood Manhattan for Lebanon
Tonight, the NYPD unleashed the full force of their violence against New York’s Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities in an attempt block us from protesting the United Nations as the General Assembly commences this week. WOL leader Abdullah Akl was violently arrested and sent to the hospital tonight. Dozens of others were also brutally attacked by SRG officers who clearly targeted Muslim youth leaders, as the unit serves to criminalize Black and Brown communities.
Thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets today after “israel” massacred over 500 people in Lebanon on Monday. As the US demonstrates its barbaric support for the genocidal Zionist project and opposition to it grows worldwide, the NYPD has escalated its brutality against our movement.
Our community is subjected to extreme state violence in a clear effort to deter the people from righteous dissent as our taxes and politicians fuel a genocide and regional war.
While Adams undergoes investigation for corruption, his police force terrorizes us on our streets. The NYPD has spared no expense to expand its surveillance and policing capacity for the hoard of incoming leaders of a world complicit in the genocide of Palestine. The NYPD is deploying a fleet of armored SUVs, drones, helicopters, riot cops, and undercover cops. These events serve as a reminder of the shared technologies and tactics of oppression among colonial forces, from the NYPD to the IOF.
Despite the immense aggression, our community persevered against police brutality. We broke past the barrier of the NYPD’s “frozen zone” fortifying the UN and reached the Zionist consulate as Butcher Benjamin Netanyahu plans to address the United Nations General Assembly this week. There, we affirmed our intentions to return on Thursday and honored the memory and martyrdom of Marcellus Williams — a Black man executed Tuesday night by the police state in Missouri — with a reading of his poem for the children of Palestine.
The heightened level of NYPD repression is a continuation of the Demographics Unit in the so-called “War on Terror” era of the early 2000s. This police violence cannot be reformed, but rather must be confronted. We have seen horrific violence unleashed on the people of Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon too. We have seen officers use all means of violence to crack down on our movement against the genocide of Palestine. However, the steadfastness of our people in the face of annihilation serves as our guide. We must come together to embody that spirit and hold the NYPD accountable for its brutality.
We call on all Muslim and Arab community organizations and leaders in New York to adopt our demands as the bare minimum required for any means of accountability from the police force which has subjected us to such extreme harassment, surveillance, and violence for decades.